This is my first official post for my new blog dedicated to CrashB Photo. I am currently developing the foundation of my soon-to-be freelance photography business, which includes this website and plenty of other tools. It always takes a little time to develop the items that you'll need for marketing your business, but it's these type of things that should really help me when I do have everything up and running. And I know, what a great time to start up a business during these turbulent financial times. Honestly, I see the timing while work out just fine because I plan to offer to my clients professional photography at reasonable rates. Do I have an idea of what exactly those rates will be? Nope, but hopefully soon I will. Haha! What this all boils down to it that this has been a hobby of mine for some time now, and I think this business will be a great way to share the passion I have for photography and the memories they capture with others.
Alright, now that I've got my first post out of the way I think I can breathe a little sigh of relief. I still have more work to do, but I'm excited about what I'm building here and can't wait to get things rolling. Wish me luck!!